How To Open A Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Clinic

Psychedelics and Applications for Addiction Treatment

Orion Treatment Consulting specializes in opening treatment centers. We have opened over 50 programs throughout the United States. Our team of highly qualified professionals have been involved in opening centers as far back as 2009.

During our journey we have paid special attention to the ongoing conversations surrounding psychedelics and the applications for this for treatment. The main treatment that is available today is known as Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). If you are looking at How To Open A Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Clinic, we can help.

Holistic Healing and Integrative Therapy

KAP programs generally are multi-session ketamine assisted therapy sessions. During these sessions the participant goes through a therapeutic process that utilizes the benefits of ketamine to help each person to work on their specific area.

KAP has shown strong results for treatment resistant depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, and a number other conditions.

Though each state is approaching legalization and the healthcare implications differently, OTC has followed closely as Oregon and Colorado have created legal avenues for access to this medicine. We are well aware of how each state is requiring organizations to treat individuals and what the requirements are.

Psychedelics and Mental Health

When opening a KAP program there are a number of areas to think about. OTC uses its proprietary process to help you create a working map of how to open a center. OTC can assist with:

  1. Legal Questions and Compliance Issues.
  2. Medical Questions and Liability.
  3. Curriculum and Clinical Development.
  4. Operational Workflows, documents, policies, procedures, etc.
  5. Recruitment of Medical and Clinical Professionals.
  6. Templates and all documents.
  7. Billing Solutions
  8. Etc.

Our Team is poised to be the leaders of how to open ketamine assisted psychotherapy centers throughout the United States. We believe that the future of behavioral health will include a definitive ketamine and psychedelic component. If you are looking for expertise, call us today for a free consult.


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