How to Open a Rehab in Illinois
How to License, Hire and Land Insurance Contracts for your Drug Rehab in Illinois
Illinois has the fifth largest state in the nation with a population of 12.4 million people. Chicago is the third largest city with a population of almost 3 million. The number of meth lab seizure incidents in the state of Illinois increased 103%, from 394 incidents in 2007 to 799 incidents according to a 2012 report on Illinois Drug Control from Obama White House archives. That’s quite the increase in meth labs.
Meth and Marijuana Addiction on the Rise
Surprisingly, the number one reason for seeking treatment in Illinois is Marijuana addiction. Whatever the form of addiction or behavioral health problem, treatment is a viable solution. There are several levels of care from outpatient to intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization and residential.
What Type of Addiction Treatment Center Should be Opened?
Know what type of care you want to offer then find an easily accessible location in an area of need. Population size is working in your favor here. Before you can attain a license you’ll need to decide on a mission, hire staff and create an evidence based curriculum.
Orion treatment consulting care help you every step of the way or pick up where you’ve fumbled. We understand the treatment industry and have opened many treatment centers at all levels of care all over the country. From market analysis to branding and creating content, we can guide you or simply take over a department.
What are the Regulatory Codes When Opening a Mental Health Center?
In the Substance Use Disorder Act, the state of Illinois made it clear what types of addiction treatment providers must apply for a license. Sec. 15-10 specifically states that:
No person or program may provide the services or conduct the activities described in this Section without first obtaining a license therefor from the Department, unless otherwise exempted under this Act. The Department shall, by rule, provide requirements for each of the following types of licenses and categories of service:
(a) Treatment: Categories of service authorized by a treatment license are:
Early Intervention, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization, Subacute Residential/Inpatient, and Withdrawal Management. Medication assisted treatment that includes methadone used for an opioid use disorder can be licensed as an adjunct to any of the treatment levels of care specified in this Section.
The Illinois Department of Human Services is charged with designing, coordinating and funding a comprehensive and coordinated community-based and culturally and gender-appropriate array of services throughout the state for the prevention, intervention, treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol and other related disorders.
Essential Everyone Outside Government Must Get a License
There is a license process for opening an addiction treatment facility and then there is an additional application for Medicaid. The initial application is fairly straight forward and will set you back $200.

How Much Does it Cost to Open a Rehab in Illinois?
Under-fundraising is the number one reason we still companies come to us in trouble. They have either run out of funding before insurance reimbursement comes in or they didn’t build a strong enough foundation and numbers are dropping.
A intensive out-patient will set you back $200-$500 thousand dollars. The location, level of care, age of patients and accessibility of treatment will vary the cost. Understanding the insurance billing process is essential to a successful treatment.
Additional Accreditation for your Addiction Treatment Center
Landing insurance contracts often requires additional accreditation to prove your running evidence based therapies. We can help you through the additional accreditation process through Joint Commissionand/or CARF.
The licensing, zoning, accrediting and business development process can be daunting. Let us support your dreams and goals. Reach out to a consultant today.
How To Open A Rehab in Illinois