How To Open A Rehab in Minnesota


A How to Guide to Opening, Licensing and Accrediting a Addiction Treatment Center in Minnesota

Opioid-involved overdose deaths among Minnesotans increased 43% from 2020 to 2021, and the number of deaths has more than doubled since 2019. In 2021, American Indian Minnesotans were ten times as likely to die from a drug overdose than white Minnesotans.

The destructiveness of substance use disorders are visible every day in Minnesota. According to Minnesota’s Department of Health and Human services, the majority of substance use disorders in our state are related to excess alcohol usage with a rising second to methamphetamines.

Minnesota may have been the birthplaces of substance abuse treatment, the Minnesota Model isn’t providing the outcomes needed to combat ever rising levels of addiction.

Fortunately, Minnesota will receive about $568 million from opioid settlements over the next two decades to expand treatment options. Block grants have been provided for persons of sever mental illness or pregnant women who need substance abuse treatment.

It seems there are only 27 addiction treatment providers in MN. With a population of 5.7 million it seems there is a great need for local, accessible, high quality care.

How to License a Addiction Treatment Center in Minnesota

According to state laws governing addiction treatment centers in Minnesota: 

Except as provided in subdivisions 2 and 3, no person, corporation, partnership, voluntary association, controlling individual, or other organization may provide a substance use disorder treatment service to an individual with a substance use disorder unless licensed by the commissioner.

The Minnesota Department of Human Services overseas the licensure process. Minnesota provides both digital and paper applications for licensing, available on their website. Despite its extensive 27-page length, this application serves various service providers, making some sections irrelevant for addiction treatment center licensing, resulting in a simpler process.

To complete the application, you’ll be required to furnish basic information, including your tax identification number, business records, details of controlling individuals, and current licenses.

Attachments needed for your application comprise a $500 application fee, certificate of compliance, organization chart, ownership verification, funds and property information, 60-day county notification, program policies, procedures, and forms, as well as specific staff qualifications for your Treatment Director, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Supervisor, RN, and Medical Director.

How Much Does it Cost to Open a Rehab in MN

The cost of opening and operating an addiction treatment center in Minnesota is highly dependent on location and level of care, however, an out-patient substance abuse center will set you back several hundred thousand dollars. 

Under fundraising is one of the most common mistakes we see at Orion Treatment Consulting. There are many pitfall when opening a treatment center. Let us guide you through licensing and accreditation so that you can focus on the things that matter. Reach out to a consultant today.