How to Open a Rehab in North Dakota
A Guide to Licensure, Accreditation of Drug Rehab in North Dakota
According to HHS Violent Death Reporting System, there were 115 drug overdose deaths in 2020. Moreover, preliminary data from 2022, shows North Dakota had 132 drug overdose deaths with nearly 40% involving individuals ages 30-39.
Undeniably addressing substance abuse and addiction is crucial in North Dakota due to the growing public health concerns related to drug overdose and addiction. Moreover, addiction is a treatable disease and everyone has a right to accessible treatment.
By opening a rehab in North Dakota, you can contribute to combating the addiction crisis and saving lives. Rehabilitation centers offer vital services, including treatment, counseling, and support, to individuals struggling with substance abuse.
Addiction treatment centers provide a safe and structured environment for recovery and are essential in addressing the impact of addiction on individuals, families, and communities. Given these points, we wish to help you open the program of your dreams.
How to License a Drug Rehab in North Dakota
It should be noted the Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is the governing body responsible for licensing all substance abuse treatment programs in North Dakota, in accordance with North Dakota Century Code 50-31.
In short the process for obtaining an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) license in North Dakota involves several stages, and applicants should be aware of the following key requirements:
Stage 1: Certification of Need
- Firstly, submit a Certificate of Need to the State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA) at the Behavioral Health Division (dhsbhd@nd.gov) for approval.
Stage 2: Application for Licensure
- Then once the Certificate of Need is approved, initiate the application process by submitting the following:
- Completed and signed application for OTP licensing (SFN 591).
- Program’s OTP Policies and Procedures in accordance with North Dakota Administrative Code 75-09.1-10.
- North Dakota Substance Abuse Treatment Program license or application to become licensed as a Substance Abuse Treatment Program.
- Proposed Community Relations Plan with names and contact information.
- List of all operating OTPs, including address, telephone number, and dates of operation.
- Submit all federal accreditation and state review reports from programs in operation by the company from the past 6 years.
- Documentation demonstrating appropriate county, city, or tribal ordinances.
- Any additional information requested by the division.
Stage 3: Final Documentation Requirements for Licensure
- Following the issuance of a Provisional OTP License, submit the following final requirements for approval:
- Application and Certification from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
- Registration by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
- Proof of DATA 2000 Waivers for prescribers.
- Program Sponsor’s background check.
- Documentation showing enactment of the proposed Community Relations Plan.
- Transportation Plan for reasonable transportation to services.
Stage 4: On-site Review
- Finally the Behavioral Health Division (BHD) will schedule an on-site review of the proposed opioid treatment program, including a facility tour and staff interviews regarding knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures.
Lastly, upon approval of Stage 4, an Opioid Treatment Program License will be issued, and the program may begin operation as an OTP.
Why Hire a Drug Rehab Consultant?
In sum we have seen it all and can help you with every part of owning and operating a treatment center. Subsequently we have decades of expertise and can sort out whatever problem that may arise. From content branding and digital marketing to curriculum development, hiring and accreditation. We would like to emphatically state that no one need go it alone.
Please reach out today, were happy to answer any questions that you may have.