Recovery Coaching in Colorado

Recovery Coaching in Colorado

Colorado, like many states has seen a rise in substance use and mental health disorders. In order to combat the rising epidemics, the State of Colorado has moved forward with programs to provide more services to those affected. Additionally, one of the main services...
How to Start a Recovery House

How to Start a Recovery House

Orion Treatment Consulting knows how important it is for those in early recovery to have a recovery house they can depend on. We have helped dozens of organizations who were thinking about how to start a recovery house. Our team of talented professionals has worked in...
Luxury Addiction Treatment

Luxury Addiction Treatment

In the United States, over 25% of people ages 18 and above have reported they engaged in binge drinking in the past month. For those struggling, finding treatment can be a major hurdle. If someone searches luxury addiction treatment on the internet, they are not...
Boulder Alcohol Help

Boulder Alcohol Help

Boulder Alcohol Help At Orion Treatment Consulting we know that finding Boulder Alcohol help help can be a challenge. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), only 10% of people who have a substance use disorder will ever get help. The reason for this is...